Forums - fcvFilterCanny3x3u8

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Join Date: 13 Mar 12
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2012-04-16 08:42


Im curious if anyone else is having this problem.  First I blur the image using fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8 then I run fcvFilterCanny3x3u8 on the blurred image.  If there are edges present this works well with appropriate thresholds set.  However if I point the camera to a place with no edge (e.g. table top)  then the edge image is filled with noise.  I have tried adjusting both blurs and thresholds and the noisy image still results.  My code is very simple and the important parts are as follows:

fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8(int_img, width,height,blurred_XY1,1);
fcvFilterCanny3x3u8(blurred_XY, width,height,Edge_img,90,100);

The rest is just getting an intensity image and outputting the image.  Am I missing something in using these functions? Like I said when edges are present, like an object on the table, the edge image is good, but if it the table top is all that is in the image I get a very noisy edge image.



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Join Date: 3 Dec 10
Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 2012-05-15 12:18

I think this is an inherent feature of Canny edge detection algorithm where the quality of edges is dependent on the threshold value/s. Did you try setting the two threshold values to a high number? My understanding is increasing the threshold values will reduce the noise but there is a chance that you will lose some 'real' edges as well.

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