Forums - Crash while attaching native thread to JVM

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Crash while attaching native thread to JVM
Join Date: 17 Dec 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2015-12-17 09:29

In NDK you have to attach the current (native) thread to JVM, before yout can get a valid JNIEnv* for later use.

This machanism works quite well with the NDK compiler but it crashed while using Snapdragon compiler.

In NDK documentation it is written that only POSIX threads can be attached to JVM. Would it be the reason that Snapdragon compiler could be using another thread implementation?

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Raja Moderator
Join Date: 17 Apr 13
Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 2015-12-17 15:02

The Snapdragon LLVM compiler does not use a different thread implmentation. It relies on NDK libraries for thread functionality.


Can you post a cut-down test case that will help us analyze the problem?


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