Forums - FAQ: Configuration file for Audio Unit Testframework

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FAQ: Configuration file for Audio Unit Testframework
Join Date: 5 Dec 12
Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 2013-10-10 18:56

The following example is taken from hpf.cfg(<SDK>\examples\audio\appi_fir\data). All the values in cfg file are specified in little endian format.

To Enable FIR module, a flag called ENABLE needs to be set to 1. This can be done as shown below

   # Set FIR Enable
   PayloadSizeInBytes 24
   00 00 00 00    # Data Payload address
   10 00 00 00    # Size of Payload
   02 2D 01 00    # MODULE_ID_FIR_FILTER 0x00012D02
   03 2D 01 00    # PARAM_ID_FIR_FILTER_ENABLE 0x00012D03
   04 00 00 00    # Param Size and Padding
   01 00 00 00    # Enable flag

1) Setting these paramters is done using "SetParamInBand" variable. Other identifiers based on usage are : "ProcessData", "SetMediaFormat", "GetParamInband"

2) The next identifier is "PayloadSizeInBytes". This is the size in bytes in Decimal and not Hexadecimal. This is understood and used by the configuration fileparser.

3) Data Payload Address is not used by module.

4) The next parameter "Size of Payload" tells the size of the payload. This is used by audio unit test framework. This has to be specified in Hexadecimal number system.

5) Next value in payload "MODULE_ID_FIR_FILTER" is the module ID in little endian format. 32 bit value

6) Next value in payload "PARAM_ID_FIR_FILTER_ENABLE" corresponds to parameter ID in little endian. 32 bit value

7) Next value in payload "ParamSize and Padding". These are 16 bit values each. First 16 bits are reserved for padding followed by next 16 bits containing the actual param size in bytes.

8) Next value in payload is the actual parameter value. In the above example it's 0x00000001.

Let's consider another example from the same configuration file to set the coefficients for FIR filter.
The FIR filter is a 13 tap filter with the following coefficients {0xffe9, 0xfff4, 0x00a8 ...}.
The example below shows setting 13 coefficients of FIR example

   # Set FIR coefficients
   PayloadSizeInBytes 52
   00 00 00 00    # Data Payload address
   2C 00 00 00    # Size of Payload
   02 2D 01 00    # MODULE_ID_FIR_FILTER 0x00012D02
   05 2D 01 00    # PARAM_ID_FIR_FILTER_PARAMS 0x00012D05
   20 00 00 00    # Param Size and Padding
   0D 00 00 00    # Numtaps=13 and reserved fields
   f4 ff e9 ff    # Coefficients
   ce ff a8 ff
   82 ff 66 ff
   5b 3f 66 ff
   82 ff a8 ff
   ce ff e9 ff
   f4 ff 00 00

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Minh The
Join Date: 17 Jun 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2014-06-22 08:01


Could somebody explain why in the FIR example below, the PayloadSizeInBytes is 52?

The original example from Qualcomm is for a stereo audio file with sampling rate of 48kHz.

If I want to apply some modifications (use a FIR with only 5 taps, mono audio files, 16kHz) which fields should be modified in the hpf configuration file and the source code also.


Thanks for any answer in advance.


# Configuration file for OpenDSP Example FIR unit test

# What this config file does:

# - Resets algorithm

# - Enables FIR

# - Sets shift factor

# - Sets HPF coefficients to use

# - Processes buffers as specified by NumBuffers

# - Sets another set of HPF coefficients to use

# - Processes buffers as specified by NumBuffers

# - As a sanity check, gets delay introduced by algorithm (refer APPI document)


# Reset algorithm


PayloadSizeInBytes 24

00 00 00 00 # Data Payload address

10 00 00 00 # Size of Payload

02 2D 01 00 # MODULE_ID_FIR_FILTER 0x00012D02

07 07 01 00 # APPI_PARAM_ID_ALGORITHMIC_RESET 0x00010707

04 00 00 00 # Param Size and Padding

00 00 00 00 # Dummy payload


# Set FIR Enable


PayloadSizeInBytes 24

00 00 00 00 # Data Payload address

10 00 00 00 # Size of Payload

02 2D 01 00 # MODULE_ID_FIR_FILTER 0x00012D02

03 2D 01 00 # PARAM_ID_FIR_FILTER_ENABLE 0x00012D03

04 00 00 00 # Param Size and Padding

01 00 00 00 # Enable flag


# Set FIR Shift factor


PayloadSizeInBytes 24

00 00 00 00 # Data Payload address

10 00 00 00 # Size of Payload

02 2D 01 00 # MODULE_ID_FIR_FILTER 0x00012D02

04 2D 01 00 # PARAM_ID_FIR_FILTER_SHIFT 0x00012D04

04 00 00 00 # Param Size and Padding

04 00 00 00 # Shift factor = 1


# Set FIR coefficients

# High pass, Fc=-3dB=100Hz


PayloadSizeInBytes 52

00 00 00 00 # Data Payload address

2C 00 00 00 # Size of Payload

02 2D 01 00 # MODULE_ID_FIR_FILTER 0x00012D02

05 2D 01 00 # PARAM_ID_FIR_FILTER_PARAMS 0x00012D05

20 00 00 00 # Param Size and Padding

0D 00 00 00 # Numtaps=13 and reserved fields

f4 ff e9 ff # Coefficients

ce ff a8 ff

82 ff 66 ff

5b 3f 66 ff

82 ff a8 ff

ce ff e9 ff

f4 ff 00 00



NumBuffers 100


# Set FIR coefficients

# High pass, Fc=-3dB=300Hz


PayloadSizeInBytes 64

00 00 00 00 # Data Payload address

38 00 00 00 # Size of Payload

02 2D 01 00 # MODULE_ID_FIR_FILTER 0x00012D02

05 2D 01 00 # PARAM_ID_FIR_FILTER_PARAMS 0x00012D05

20 00 00 00 # Param Size and Padding

13 00 00 00 # Numtaps=19 and reserved fields

a0 fc a5 fb

a9 fa b5 f9

d2 f8 0a f8

64 f7 e8 f6

9c f6 9c 73

9c f6 e8 f6

64 f7 0a f8

d2 f8 b5 f9

a9 fa a5 fb

a0 fc 00 00



NumBuffers 100


# Get IIR algorithm Delay


PayloadSizeInBytes 16

00 00 00 00 # Data Payload address

02 2D 01 00 # MODULE_ID_FIR_FILTER 0x00012D02

08 07 01 00 # APPI_PARAM_ID_ALGORITHMIC_DELAY 0x00010708

04 00 00 00 # Param Size and Padding


RefPayloadSizeInBytes 4

12 00 00 00 #Filter delay = Numtaps-1


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