Forums - Hough line detection

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Hough line detection
Join Date: 20 Oct 12
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2012-11-24 12:03


I was looking for a hough line detection support in the fastcv, but i did not find it. Am i missing something?

Instead I have found this function: fcvFindContoursListu8, could you tell me what are the main differences between a hough line detection (that can be found in the OpenCV) and fcvFindContoursListu8 (and the other FindContour functions)?

Thank you!



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jeff4s Moderator
Join Date: 4 Nov 12
Posts: 106
Posted: Mon, 2012-11-26 18:48

FastCV does not have Hough line detection API. The FindContour functions identify contours of the image (the shape) and are not meant to detect lines in image (the content). Although contour can take the shape of straight lines it is no indication the image with that contour has lines.


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Join Date: 3 Aug 13
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2014-01-06 15:30

There is a now a function for Hough's line detection in 1.3.0.


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