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Compiler Options and Settings
Join Date: 28 Sep 13
Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 2013-10-02 06:08

1. I cannot find "-mfloat-abi"  in user guide, how should I set/configure it for the optimization for festest code (I use Krait CPU)?

2. If I set "-mcpu=krait2" in, should I set "APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a" in (I use Krait CPU)?

3. Should I set


LOCAL_LDLIBS    := -llog


Are they supported by this compiler?

4. How can I use OpenGL ES 3.0 by this compiler?

Directly set: LOCAL_LDLIBS += -lGLESv3  ???

5. I suppose this compiler have C++11 STL support, how do I set it in my ".mk" file?

6. How do I use Pthread Library by this compiler?

7. I know it is based on LLVM 3.3 compiler, so does it support ALL features of LLVM 3.3?


I feel sorry for asking so many questions. I am just a new beginner without many experiences. 

Thank you for your kind assistance.

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Join Date: 28 Sep 13
Posts: 47
Posted: Thu, 2013-10-03 23:08

Could anyone help me?....Please


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Raja Moderator
Join Date: 17 Apr 13
Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 2013-10-04 10:08

1. Please set -mfloat-abi=softp for your builds

2. The APP_ABI variable is part of Android NDK setup. If you are setting it to use with other compilers, please continue to use it that way.

3. These variables are Android NDK variables and the Snapdragon LLVM compiler does not use or change them in any way.

4. As mentioned in the other post, the Snapdragon LLVM compiler does not generate code for GPU. Are you asking if LLVM can be used to build OpenGL-ES3?

5. The Snapdragon LLVM compiler comes with full support for C++11, similar to the community 3.3 version. There is nothing to be set in makefiles use C++11 features (you need to invoked snapdragon-clang++)

6. There is no pthread library distributed with Snapdragon LLVM compiler. The pthread library is typically part of an OS distribution such as Android. Please refer to Android SDK or NDK for this library.

7. Yes, Snapdragon LLVM 3.3.1 supports all features of the LLVM 3.3 release


Hope these answers help. Please feel free to let us know if you have more questions or need clarification.

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Join Date: 28 Sep 13
Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 2013-10-05 08:23

Thank you very much....but I still cannot use this LLVM compiler, I almost give up it....

I would try it when I can start to use this compiler...It's so hard to setup...

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