Forums - How to run nms function with gpu to speed up time on RB5 dev kit. After inference using model_quant.dcl file

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How to run nms function with gpu to speed up time on RB5 dev kit. After inference using model_quant.dcl file
Join Date: 14 Mar 24
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2024-04-27 22:45

Hi everybody,

I was able to run yolov8n.dcl based on the code at
However, after completing the inference, I have to run the nms function using the CPU, which takes a lot of time. Is there a way to run this nms function using GPU?
I translated the original nms function to cpp code with the torch-cpu library


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Join Date: 27 Jun 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2024-06-27 21:46

Hi everybody,

I was able to run yolov8n.dcl based on the code at fruit
However, after completing the inference, I have to run the nms function using the CPU, which takes a lot of time. Is there a way to run this nms function using GPU?
I translated the original nms function to cpp code with the torch-cpu library
yolov8's original nms function at


I think you should modify your code to use the GPU version of the NMS function. You can utilize the torchvision.ops.nms function, which provides an optimized GPU implementation of NMS. Import the necessary packages:

import torch
from torchvision.ops import nms
Then, replace the relevant part of your code where you perform NMS with the following lines:
# Assuming `boxes` and `scores` are the bounding boxes and corresponding scores, respectively
keep = nms(boxes, scores, iou_threshold)
boxes = boxes[keep]
scores = scores[keep]
Note: Make sure that the boxes and scores tensors are already on the GPU. You can move them to the GPU using the .to(device) method, where device is the CUDA device you want to use.
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