Forums - MDM9206 working only with AIRTEL SIM but not with other SIM cards?

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MDM9206 working only with AIRTEL SIM but not with other SIM cards?
Join Date: 3 Sep 18
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2018-12-14 08:50



We are using Quectel-MDM9206 BG96 module EVB.  In our application we initiate data call (qapi_DSS_Init…).


  1. We are able to connect consistently with Airtel (network operator in India)  - (airtel.isf)
  2. But connection with Vodafone (another operator here) is very rare (once in 10 attempts, all other times it returnsQAPI_DSS_EVT_NET_NO_NET_E). (Vodafone.isf)
  3. We have a team testing this application in USA (VZW) . We have a similar but different problem where post initiating the call through qapi_DSS_Start_Data_Call we never receive any information through the callback. The application waits indefinitely for connection success/failure event. (VerizonW.isf)


We have attached the 3 logs to this case. Please help us fix this issue


Thanks & regards,




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Join Date: 4 Nov 18
Posts: 184
Posted: Wed, 2020-08-19 03:48


Please try following AT commands:

 i.      AT+CPIN?

      ii.     AT+CSQ

     iii.      AT+CREG?

     iv.      AT+CGREG?

      vi.   Take QXDM logs

v.    AT+QIACT=1 (should start data call and display already assigned IP address)

vi.   Take QXDM logs


CSQ needs to be more than 10 , CGREG and CREG should have 0,1 .


Please also try to change data call settings to default




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Join Date: 10 May 24
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Posted: Fri, 2024-05-10 05:30

If the MDM9206 module is only functioning with an Airtel SIM card and not with other SIM cards, there could be several reasons for this issue. Firstly, check if the module is locked to a specific network provider. Some modules come pre-configured to work only with certain carriers, and unlocking may be necessary to use SIM cards from other providers. Additionally, ensure that the module supports the frequency bands and network technologies (such as GSM, LTE) used by the SIM cards you are trying to use. If the module is properly configured and compatible with the SIM cards but still doesn't work, it's possible that there's a compatibility issue between the module and the SIM cards. In such cases, contacting the module manufacturer or your network provider for further assistance and troubleshooting may be necessary.


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