Forums - How to run inference on specific (NSP) HTP core of SA8540 using QNN SDK

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How to run inference on specific (NSP) HTP core of SA8540 using QNN SDK
Join Date: 20 Apr 22
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2023-03-23 20:53

We are trying to run inference on specific HTP core of SA8540 using QNN SDK.

QNN SDK has option to control HTP device excersise using config file in which it is setting to run with CDSP 1, So Is it running on second HTP core?

sample config file:

      "graphs": {
This setup is use with qnn-net-run with net run extension.
Is there any other way to access specific HTP core to run the inference on Snapdragon Ride 3.0 platform?
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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2023-03-25 23:03

Dear developer,

There only single HTP core in your devices.



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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
Posts: 45
Posted: Thu, 2023-04-06 21:07

you can check with next way.

slog2info | grep shell


xx_shell_3 means CDSP0

xx_shell_4 means CDSP1.

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Join Date: 20 Apr 22
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2023-04-12 19:37

Hi Developer,

when we executed   slog2info | grep shell   on our hardware platform then only xx_shell_3 related information is visible like below


# slog2info | grep shell

Jan 01 00:00:03.786                 syslogd.655403                 slog    770  :03 localhost inetd[663596-1]: shell/tcp: unknown service
Jan 01 00:04:37.986               frpc_lib.1581121             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
Jan 01 00:06:55.267               frpc_lib.1749060             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
Jan 01 00:12:30.787               frpc_lib.1892420             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
Jan 01 00:13:33.147               frpc_lib.1900612             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
Jan 01 00:13:57.486               frpc_lib.1994820             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
Jan 01 00:18:43.910               frpc_lib.2089028             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
Jan 01 00:23:58.717               frpc_lib.2310212             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
Jan 01 00:27:25.009               frpc_lib.2510916             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
Jan 01 00:28:23.719               frpc_lib.2641988             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
Jan 01 01:20:36.636               frpc_lib.4390986             frpc_lib  16135  nn_pre_post_proc[apps_std_imp.c:232]: apps_std fopen_INFO : /mnt/etc/images/fastrpc_shell_unsigned_3
So is it indicating that there is only CDSP0 (single HTP core) is present on hardware platform and it is not containing CDSP0 and CDSP1?
Or any further step we have to follow after execution of  slog2info | grep shell   please let us know about that.
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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
Posts: 45
Posted: Mon, 2023-04-17 05:11

CDSP1 can be access in SA8450, you can use test binary like 

//test CDSP0

#fastrpc_calc64_test 0 10 3 1  1

//test CDSP1

#fastrpc_calc64_test 0 10 4 1  1

if this test could pass, CDSP1 should enabled in device and you will find  shell_4 related logs in slog2info.


In all, when you read QNN API, you will find QNN has API to choose different NSP(the API is at device level).


B.t.w, QNN is out of QDN support and I will not reply any issue related with QNN, you can raise issue via creatpoint.

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