Forums - demo app code

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demo app code
Join Date: 16 Apr 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Sat, 2023-04-08 04:27

Hi all, 

is there anyone who has running demo image classifier app and will share it ? 
I need to test if the device i am using (Sansubg s21 5g) is able to run it.

I tried to build my own but i face some issues which im not able to solve. I need running demo app so i can see if the device can run it and i have made mistakes during demo app set up or there are any additional steps needed to run the app. 

If anyone would be so kind and share the code or can help me solve the problem (

Thanks in advance


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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2023-04-08 06:16

Dear developer,

What's your SNPE runtime wants to execute, CPU, GPU or cDSP?

Pls share us more details about your questions.

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Join Date: 16 Apr 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2023-04-10 06:39

Hi, i just need to run the app. So CPU runtime will do the job. 

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