Forums - Failed to load network with dsp runtime on sa8155p

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Failed to load network with dsp runtime on sa8155p
Join Date: 8 Feb 23
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2023-04-06 01:31

My environment:

  • - Snapdragon SA8155P
  • - snpe-

cmd snpe-platform-validator shows that  DSP is  supported on SA8155P

msmnile_gvmq:/data/local/tmp/inception_v3 # snpe-platform-validator --runtime dsp
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->IsRuntimeAvailable
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
Runtime DSP Prerequisites: Present.
but when i run cmd snpe-net-run, report error log below
msmnile_gvmq:/data/local/tmp/inception_v3 # snpe-net-run --container inception_v3_quantized.dlc   --input_list target_raw_list.txt --use_dsp
error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. Failed to load network.  Error code: -5, Backend Error Code: 0.; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=528; thread_id=494
181891328; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=262; thread_id=506881438968

while i  run cmd snpe-net-run without --use_dsp, success

msmnile_gvmq:/data/local/tmp/inception_v3 # snpe-net-run --container inception_v3_quantized.dlc   --input_list target_raw_list.txt

Model String: N/A
SNPE v1.50.0.2622
Processing DNN input(s):
Processing DNN input(s):
Processing DNN input(s):
Processing DNN input(s):
i am confused about this problem, help me 
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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 67
Posted: Thu, 2023-04-06 02:20


Please do make sure of that you have tried setting up the library path of the DSP.

Follow the steps given in SNPE Docs in order to setup the DSP lib paths,



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Join Date: 8 Feb 23
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2023-04-06 02:46

Hi sanjjey

thanks for your reply.

i have setted the library path of the DSP as below

msmnile_gvmq:/ # echo $ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH

and passed the  platform validation through cmd snpe-platform-validator
msmnile_gvmq:/ # snpe-platform-validator --runtime dsp
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->IsRuntimeAvailable
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Success in executing the sum function
Runtime DSP Prerequisites: Present.
but this error still happened


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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
Posts: 45
Posted: Thu, 2023-04-06 20:46

seems you use Android GVM.  Known issue on HQX 1.0 baseline that SNPE is not support well due do virtual fastrpc driver support.

If you use HQX 1.0, not suggest to verify SNPE.

I suggest to use HQX 1.2.1.c1. If you use HQX 1.2.1.c1 baseline, you can check logcat with enable more snpe related logs.

echo 0x1f > /vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp/snpe-net-run.farf

In all, basic requirement is  pushing  snpe arm lib into /vendor/lib64/, push snpe dsp lib into /vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp/

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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
Posts: 45
Posted: Thu, 2023-04-06 20:47

b.t.w, for AUTO project, we have support team, you can raise case via creatpoint to get better and quciker support 

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