Forums - No runtime in demo app

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No runtime in demo app
Join Date: 16 Apr 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Sat, 2023-04-01 12:49

Hi , 
When i try to run demo app, after i have completed all task in image classifier demo app and updated gradle in project i am still not able to succesfully run the application. 

after selecting the model this error occures in log 

E/linker: library "/vendor/lib64/" ("/vendor/lib64/egl/") needed or dlopened by "/data/app/~~oHkvdv5dra4cROTyrZkbLA==/com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers-AiFDqy4eWggQlf51w-TjyQ==/lib/arm64/" is not accessible for the namespace: [name="classloader-namespace", ld_library_paths="", default_library_paths="/data/app/~~oHkvdv5dra4cROTyrZkbLA==/com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers-AiFDqy4eWggQlf51w-TjyQ==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~oHkvdv5dra4cROTyrZkbLA==/com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers-AiFDqy4eWggQlf51w-TjyQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a", permitted_paths="/data:/mnt/expand:/data/data/com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers"]

E/linker: library "/system/vendor/lib64/" ("/vendor/lib64/egl/") needed or dlopened by "/data/app/~~oHkvdv5dra4cROTyrZkbLA==/com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers-AiFDqy4eWggQlf51w-TjyQ==/lib/arm64/" is not accessible for the namespace: [name="classloader-namespace", ld_library_paths="", default_library_paths="/data/app/~~oHkvdv5dra4cROTyrZkbLA==/com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers-AiFDqy4eWggQlf51w-TjyQ==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~oHkvdv5dra4cROTyrZkbLA==/com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers-AiFDqy4eWggQlf51w-TjyQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a", permitted_paths="/data:/mnt/expand:/data/data/com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers"]

E/SNPE-DebugLog: 21:23:08.698251 [USER_ERROR:DNN_RUNTIME] GPU ERROR: 10006
E/SNPE-DebugLog: 21:23:08.698275 [USER_ERROR:DNN_RUNTIME] GPU ERROR: 10029
E/SNPE-DebugLog: 21:23:08.698283 [USER_ERROR:DNN_RUNTIME] QNN ERROR: 1006


i have checked and on my Samsung S21 5G all libraries are with read permissions for all users. 

This probably leads to empty values in Version, DImensions, Runtime, Output Layers, the drop down is empty. 

here is screenshot from the app 

After i try tu build network the app crashes on error 

E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #2
    Process: com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers, PID: 3464
    java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred while executing doInBackground()
        at android.os.AsyncTask$4.done(
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.finishCompletion(
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException(
        at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
     Caused by: com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SnpeError$IllegalArgsOrStateException: error_code : 73 error_message: None of the selected runtime targets are supported.
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SnpeError.getIllegalError(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SNPE$NeuralNetworkBuilder.selectRuntime(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SNPE$
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers.tasks.LoadNetworkTask.doInBackground(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers.tasks.LoadNetworkTask.doInBackground(
        at android.os.AsyncTask$
        at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$ 
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 


Any Ideas how can I solve this problem ? 

Mobile Device: Samsung S21 5G 
SNPE version:
I have only completed the demo app tutorial and i did not do any other customization in code only the neccessary updates in gradle and adding ContentProvider.

Thanks in advance for any help 


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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2023-04-01 23:44

Dear developer,

This issue caused by the Android SELinux permission. You can add below code snippet to your Mainfest.xml



  android:required="false"/ >



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Join Date: 16 Apr 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2023-04-04 11:40


first Thank You for the answer

This helped with first error but there are still 

E/SNPE-DebugLog: 20:30:58.357113 [USER_ERROR:DNN_RUNTIME] GPU ERROR: 10006
E/SNPE-DebugLog: 20:30:58.357147 [USER_ERROR:DNN_RUNTIME] GPU ERROR: 10006
E/SNPE-DebugLog: 20:30:58.357248 [USER_ERROR:DNN_RUNTIME] GPU ERROR: 10029
E/SNPE-DebugLog: 20:30:58.357255 [USER_ERROR:DNN_RUNTIME] QNN ERROR: 1006
i have not used any gpu options and i want it to run on cpu if possible.
When i select the model inception_v3, the values are still missing as posted earlier and when i try to build the model i ended with error 
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #4
    Process: com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers, PID: 2279
    java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred while executing doInBackground()
        at android.os.AsyncTask$4.done(
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.finishCompletion(
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException(
        at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
     Caused by: com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SnpeError$IllegalArgsOrStateException: error_code : 57 error_message: Runtime order can not be null.
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SnpeError.getIllegalError(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SNPE$NeuralNetworkBuilder.setRuntimeOrder(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers.tasks.LoadNetworkTask.doInBackground(
        at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.imageclassifiers.tasks.LoadNetworkTask.doInBackground(
Any ideas how to solve this problem ? 
Thanks in advance 


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Join Date: 16 Apr 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2023-04-04 12:36

Or any other ideas why i cant see runtime and build the network properly ? 

Does someone have properly running demo app which could be shared for me to try if there is problem in the device or in the code or model preparation ?

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