Forums - How SNPE use ION buffers to avoid memory copy ?

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How SNPE use ION buffers to avoid memory copy ?
Join Date: 20 Oct 22
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2023-03-10 02:36

I find SNPE has two functions registerIonBuffers and deregisterIonBuffers, are these two functions used to avoid memory copy between cpu and dsp? If so, how to use them?

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2023-03-11 23:53

Dear developer,

You can call the API of 

bool registerIonBuffers(const zdl::DlSystem::UserMemoryMap & ionBufferMap) 

in your application directly. The parameter of ionBufferMap will allocate ION buffer according to your SNPE instance.



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Join Date: 20 Oct 22
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2023-03-13 02:39

Dear wei,

Thanks for your reply.

I tried three ways to use regiserIonBuffers, but none works.

1. use ioctl&mmap to alloc ION buffer beforehand, and assign the buffer to registerIonBuffers functions like:

    ioctl(ion_fd_, ION_IOC_ALLOC, &alloc_data);

   void* buffer=mmap(NULL, alloc_data.len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, alloc_data.fd, 0);

    UseMemoryMap map;


   snpe-> registerIonBuffers(map);

registerIonBuffers will return false from above pseudo code.

2. Do not alloc ION buffer in advance, and map add NULL like:

   UseMemoryMap map;


   snpe-> registerIonBuffers(map);

registerIonBuffers will also return false from above pseudo code.

3. Do not alloc ION buffer in advance, and map is empty like:

   UseMemoryMap map;

   snpe-> registerIonBuffers(map);

Nothing happened.


So, I just wonder whether shold I alloc ION buffer by myself or leave this work to SNPE. I want to use ION buffers because my app needs to transfer a huge data between CPU and DSP memories, alloc a ION shared buffer between them to avoid memcpy is a good choice, but I have no way to make SNPE know I alreadly alloc an ION buffer and just use it. Can you give me a tiny sample code?




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