Forums - snpe-platform-validator passes for GPU but fails to run dlc

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snpe-platform-validator passes for GPU but fails to run dlc
Join Date: 5 Jan 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2023-02-28 16:26

I got SNPE v1.40 and Snapdragon XR2 on Oculus Quest 2, and when I was testing TensorFlow Inception_v3 tutorial, the CPU run will pass, but GPU run always go into error

snpe-net-run --container inception_v3 --input_list target_raw_list.txt --gpu_mode=float16

The selected runtime is not available on this platform. Continue anyway to observe the failure at network creation time.
error_code=500; error_message=Target runtime is not available. error_code=500; error_message=Target runtime is not available. No viable runtimes available.; error_component=Host Runtime; line_no=328; thread_id=515297693008; error_component=Host Runtime; line_no=271; thread_id=515484020432

I followed some instructions to test if the snpe can identify the GPU, so I run

snpe-platform-validator --runtime all

and the result is

snpe-platform-validator --runtime all                                          <
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->IsRuntimeAvailable
Runtime GPU Prerequisites: Present.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->IsRuntimeAvailable
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: -2 . Error while executing the sum function.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Please use testsig if using unsigned images.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Also make sure ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH points to directory containing skels.
Runtime DSP Prerequisites: Absent.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: -2 . Error while executing the sum function.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Please use testsig if using unsigned images.
PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Also make sure ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH points to directory containing skels.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->IsRuntimeAvailable
Runtime AIP Prerequisites: Absent.

I understand DSP maybe inaccisable by users since Quest2 uses the DSP to do real-time tracking computing, but as "Runtime GPU Prerequisites: Present.", I think the GPU is usable, so what caused the error shown in the beginning part?




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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2023-03-04 21:41

Dear developer,

GPU backend only supported flloat dlc model and input data. You can try to convert model to dlc only rather than quantization progress.



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