Forums - SNPE yolo onnx inference jpg raw file error!

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SNPE yolo onnx inference jpg raw file error!
Join Date: 30 Jan 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2023-02-13 00:23
Hi Qualcomm,
Using convert onnx to dlc inference the jpg file,  get result Error: invalid input size provided. Please check all raw sizes.
Steps to reproduce:
1.Convert onnx to dlc by: 
snpe-onnx-to-dlc -i yolov5s.onnx --out_node 384 --out_node 442 --out_node 326
2.inference jpg raw file.
Using Inspection-v3 script to generate jpg raw file.
There is no any onnx script under the SNPE_ROOT/models of SDK
3.adb push raw and dlc to device.
4.Start inference by:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/snpe_net_run/snpe/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH && export PATH=$PATH:/data/local/tmp/snpe_net_run/snpe/
snpe-net-run --input_list target_raw_list.txt --container yolov5s.dlc --output_dir cpu_output --perf_profile high_performance --profiling_level moderate
5.Replay error message:
Error: invalid input size provided. Please check all raw sizes.
Size of input does not match network.
Expecting: 1228800
Got: 0
Which step is wrong?
How to generate test jpg raw file for onnx  in Setp.3?
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Join Date: 30 Jan 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2023-02-13 00:27
How to produce jpg raw file for yolo mode inference?
There is no any onnx script under the SNPE_ROOT/models of SDK.
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