Forums - not able to use snpe in Volterra wsl mode

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not able to use snpe in Volterra wsl mode
Join Date: 16 Jan 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2023-01-31 00:07

Hi I am using new Volterra system it has windows installed, it runs only on a windows environment and only in cpu mode. but in the following combination it failed to run, Can you confirm if this has a limitation on the follwing environment:

note snpe version used in this experiments: snpe-

working case : windows  (snpe-\snpe-\bin\x86_64-windows-vc19\snpe-net-run.exe)

Failed case :

1. windows  (snpe-\snpe-\bin\x86_64-windows-vc19\snpe-net-run.exe) + any og non cpu mode

2. Ubutu-18.04 (WSL mode)  + snpe-\bin\x86_64-linux-clang\snpe-net-run

3. Ubutu-18.04 (WSL mode)  + snpe-\bin\x86_64-linux-clang\snpe-net-run  + any of non cpu mode 


Please confirm and let me know if you need any details.

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 2023-02-12 05:30

Dear developer,

Please do NOT execute SNPE related tools on WSL as some environment sill not installted correctly.

We're recommending to converted on Ubuntu1804 or higher.



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