Forums - Python 3.6 is out of support

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Python 3.6 is out of support
Join Date: 30 May 16
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2023-01-23 14:19

Can you move The Neural Processing SDK to a newer version of  Python, Python 3.6 is now out of support and is giving me warnings, and VS Code refuses to even allow debugging of Python 3.6 any more.  Can you move to Python 3.10 ? Or better yet remove any hard dependency checks and just work on whatever version of Python 3.6+ the user wants to use?  What is it in the actual Neural Processing SDK that has any kind of hard dependency on a specific python version anyway?

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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 67
Posted: Fri, 2023-01-27 00:40


Neural Processing SDK is compiled to support python3.6 for model conversions.And other latest python version is currently not supported.

Please try to reinstall the extension or downgrade, or set your PYTHONPATH correctly in the VS Code.


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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 67
Posted: Fri, 2023-06-23 01:27


For python3.6 environement setup for snpe using conda had been explained in the given link, the steps are acknowledged and working for the developer.


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