Forums - GLBuffer

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Join Date: 19 Apr 22
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2023-01-24 05:53

I have tried implementing GlBuffer, as Snpe neural network input. SNPE version 1.66

Not able to run dlc with GlBuffer. Snpe->execute results in false, with no warnings, no erros returned.

before creating the input/output UserBuffers,

I set the runtime to Gpu, set UserGlConfig, checked if it is GLBuffer set as follows.

NN::NeuralNetworkBufferType setGPUPlatformConfig(zdl::DlSystem::PlatformConfig& platformConfig)
    if(zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::isGLCLInteropSupported() == false) {
        return NN::NeuralNetworkBufferType::UserSuppliedBuffer;
    zdl::DlSystem::UserGLConfig userGLConfig;
    userGLConfig.userGLContext = getContext();
    userGLConfig.userGLDisplay = getDisplay();
    zdl::DlSystem::UserGpuConfig userGpuConfig;
    userGpuConfig.userGLConfig = userGLConfig;
    bool result = platformConfig.setUserGpuConfig(userGpuConfig);
    if (result == false) {
        return NN::NeuralNetworkBufferType::UserSuppliedBuffer;
    if (userGLConfig.userGLContext == nullptr
        ||userGLConfig.userGLDisplay == nullptr) {
        return NN::NeuralNetworkBufferType::UserSuppliedBuffer;
    const bool isGLBuffer = zdl::DlSystem::PlatformConfig::GetIsUserGLBuffer();
    if(isGLBuffer == false) {
        return NN::NeuralNetworkBufferType::UserSuppliedBuffer;
    return NN::NeuralNetworkBufferType::OpenGlBuffer;

I have created UserBuffer, pointing to OpenGl buffer id, with preallocated Gpu memory.

UserBuffer creation looks as follows:

zdl::DlSystem::UserBufferEncodingFloat userBufferEncodingFloat;
zdl::DlSystem::UserBufferSourceGLBuffer userBufferSourceGLBuffer;
std::vector<float> cpuExampleInput(bufferSize / bufferElementSize, 0.25);
glBuffer = NN::createGlBuffer(bufferSize,;
// create SNPE user buffer from the user-backed buffer
zdl::DlSystem::IUserBufferFactory& ubFactory = zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::getUserBufferFactory();
// add the user-backed buffer to the inputMap, which is later on fed to the network for execution
userBufferMap.add(name, snpeUserBackedBuffers.back().get());



output Buffer Creation looks as follows:

const size_t bufferElementSize = (*bufferAttributesOpt)->getElementSize();
bufferSize = calcSizeFromDims(bufferShape.getDimensions(), bufferShape.rank(), bufferElementSize);
userBuffer.resize(bufferSize / bufferElementSize);
// set the buffer encoding type
zdl::DlSystem::UserBufferEncodingFloat userBufferEncodingFloat;
// create SNPE user buffer from the user-backed buffer
zdl::DlSystem::IUserBufferFactory& ubFactory = zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::getUserBufferFactory();


I have used the same code to run the dlc with UserSupplied Buffers and it works perfectly fine, but for optimization purposes. i have OpenGl FrameBuffer with GL_RGB32F texture bound, with channel swap and signed normalized colors(-0.5f, 0.5f). Which would be best, if possible, to be passed as dlc input. Texture size is exactly 448x224x3(as dlc input requires).

i tried running the snpe/example, with GL_BUFFER, but the result stays  the same.

So, my question is. Is threre somethig i have missed? How may i check if the dlc does not support GL_BUFFER(if possible) and what steps of verification should i make, in order to run the example code?

Is there any example you could provide?

Best regards.

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Join Date: 19 Apr 22
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2023-01-25 07:28

I tried runnig the example code, with VGG model and input(generated from scripts/

Unfortunately the  result stays the same, segmentation fault, after executing the network.

Is the issue resolved in SNPE - 2.05?

How should i generate the dlc, in order for it to work with GL_BUFFER?

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Join Date: 19 Apr 22
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2023-01-26 03:53

Well, the issue is not resolved in 2.05, or i am missing an important step.

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