Forums - How snpe run on QNX

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How snpe run on QNX
Join Date: 11 Sep 20
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Posted: Mon, 2020-09-14 19:08

I had not find aarch64-qnx lib or bin folder in sdk snpe-,  how can I run snpe example on QNX7.1 platform?

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Join Date: 15 Nov 21
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Posted: Tue, 2021-12-07 22:16

I have the same problem. Have you solve it?

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Join Date: 16 Dec 19
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Posted: Tue, 2021-12-07 23:02

Dear customer, 

We have this support internally, but not sure for external. Let me check and get back to you. 


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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
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Posted: Tue, 2021-12-07 23:16

Do you use SA8155P or SA8295P?

For SA8295P, we just release QNN SDK, you cannot run SNPE in SA8295.


For SA8155P,

In HQX 1.2.x, the device already integrate snpe function into baseline, you can run snpe in device without any changes.

For HQX 1.0, you can push qnx libs into lib64(sorry I do not have SA8155P device in hand now) ,  dsp libs into /etc/images/dsp/  and snpe-net-run to devices. However, even you can run snpe sunccessfully with above steps, it is not stable and cannot use in commercial projects.

You need to raise case or contract QC TAM to get official release for HQX 1.0 baseline, which include fastRPC/SMMU/cdsp firmware/snpe changes.




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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
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Posted: Wed, 2021-12-08 00:50


snpe for QNX version is not released in qualcomm developer web, you need to sync with your PM to get QNX version

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Join Date: 1 Jan 23
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Posted: Thu, 2023-01-12 06:21


Is there any news on how to run SNPE on QNX? And specifically using Hexagon?


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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
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Posted: Thu, 2023-01-12 06:44

see my comment about snpe in QNX.

For hexagon SDK, if you use SA825(Gen4), it is fine, it is commercial support. Just download hexagon SDK, install QNX addon.

Hexagon SDK will support compile binray/lib for QNX platform, like you did in Android platform. If you SA8155 platform, you can run it wil similar way like 8295(the different may just the compiler), however, hexagon SDK is not offcial support for Gen3. For commercial case, you have to do full test at your side.

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Join Date: 1 Jan 23
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Posted: Fri, 2023-01-13 04:00

Thank you for your answer!

Is there a similar QNX add-on for the SNPE SDK and where can that be downloaded? I haven't been able to find one so far.


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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
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Posted: Sun, 2023-01-15 18:07

QNX SNPE-SDK is not public, although is same as SNPE as Android. If you are from Tier1 or auto OEM, you could get this SDK internally, it is interate into qnx_ap/AMSS/platform/snpe(HQX 1.2.1.c1 or latest HQX 1.0(after 1.0-00017)).

If not, please sync with PM and raise related topic to QC team.

If you are a free developer, you may have no permission for QNX SNPE-SDK and cannot test your model in QNX platform.  

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Join Date: 13 Jul 22
Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 2023-01-31 00:50


    I am using SA8295P,  How to use SNPE? I tried to run snpe in SA8295, found that cpu and DSP runtime is available but AIP runtime is Not available. Could you tell me more info about SNPE support for SA8295P? thank you,

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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
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Posted: Tue, 2023-01-31 02:43

cool, SA8295 AI is more powerful and hardware/software is refactored.

SNPE is not supported in SA8295/8540, we use a new AI stack called QNN and it is not public . So, do not test snpe in SA8295.

Please raise case to Qualcomm CE team for SA8295. If you do not have accout, ask PM/PDM to get a accout for case system . 

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