Forums - FastRPC working without skeleton .so

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FastRPC working without skeleton .so
Join Date: 30 Nov 22
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2023-01-05 20:32

Hello Team,

I am running existing NSP based applications on NSP , in that through I follow below steps

1) Runned hexagaon min to create stub and skel files with shared object lib.

2) Tried to run qnx_min with hexagaon-sdk-, but it don't have support for QNX.

3) replaced qnx.min with cmake and able to generate CPU executable without linking file.

4) Run executable on CPU and working fine.

My question is without pushing and without linking how FastRPC working?

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2023-01-07 23:40

Dear developer,

You can't remove fastrpc calling flow if you want to run model on cDSP runtime.



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Join Date: 30 Nov 22
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2023-01-09 08:10

Hello Team,


thank you for reply.

I think I haven't explained well.

I was having issue to find out the skeleton .so linking, because without pushing .so still code was working.

When I search skeleton .so file on target , I found it on path /mnt/etc/images/dsp and I got how the above code was working.

But when I push my own developed skeleton .so  on the same path,but NSP initialization is failing.

R we missing something to run our customise application with stub and skel.

Waiting for reply.



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