Forums - What is difference between face detection and face recognition?

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What is difference between face detection and face recognition?
Join Date: 19 Dec 22
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Posted: Mon, 2022-12-19 21:58

What is difference between face detection and face recognition?

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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 67
Posted: Tue, 2022-12-20 00:21


Basic idea for Face Detection and Face Recognition

Face Detection.

It will only detect the Human face it doesn't know who's face belong to.Eyes are the key factors to detect the Human face, once it detects eyes it will also detect on other algorithm to identify other factors like nose, mouth and additional features.It is the first and probably the most essential step for Facial recognition, and is used to extract Human faces from Digital images.So it simply identifies if there is Human faces is present within image or videos.

Face Recognition.

Typically for identification purpose.It will recognise the Human Face or who's thus the face belong to.With some features of the face for Landmarks, Landmarks of the features will be like shape of the eyes, location of the eyes in relation to other features like nose, mouth and the cheek bone shapes.So that you must have database of various faces that you can compare the face that is scanned to, so that you can identify who's face belong to.


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