Forums - eMBMS with Qualcomm SDM660 (RugGear 530)

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eMBMS with Qualcomm SDM660 (RugGear 530)
Join Date: 29 Sep 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2022-10-07 01:45


We got RugGear 530 (Qualcomm SDM660 chipset) for testing. They (RugGear) said eMBMS is supported without a need to install any middleware. Apparently it is already installed.

However we got no app that can be used to see that eMBMS data stream is detected by phone.

Could you point us to some simple app  that can be used for this? For example, any app that can say: I detected eMBMS stream on that TMGI.

Many thanks...


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Join Date: 29 Jan 20
Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 2022-11-16 10:47

Dear Customer,


Seems you are already working on QC chip SDM660. You will have acces to our customer support portal . We will assist you over there.


You can check with your TAM with how to raise a ticket for QC support



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