Forums - ONNX UDL Support

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ONNX UDL Support
Join Date: 13 Jun 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Tue, 2022-09-06 03:43



Was ONNX with UDL support for custom layers ever supported in SNPE ? If yes, which version of SDK ?

I am aware that UDL is deprecated. However I have some implementations of custom layers of UDL and would like to use that before transiitioning to UDO.


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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
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Posted: Sun, 2022-09-11 02:50

Dear developer,

We support SNPE UDL rather than ONNX UDL since the conception of UDL is from SNPE inner not ONNX.



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Join Date: 13 Jun 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 2022-09-15 05:51



Thanks for you reply. I think I need to clarify my question.

Currently we have a Caffe model with custom layers. When converting this caffe model to SNPE DLC, the  custom layers were implemented using UDL. The snpe-caffe-to-dlc binary/script has an option to pass information about UDL.

We want to use a ONNX representation of the above model to convert to dlc (it is not exactly the same model but a similar one).

However the snpe-onnx-to-dlc script doesn't have an option to pass information about UDL. However I can provide UDO implementations of the custom layers if present.  See the link below - one of the options to the tool is UDO config paths. My understanding is that if there are custom layers in ONNX, SNPE will support the UDO implementations of those custom layers

My question is whether UDL implementations were ever supported in snpe-onnx-to-dlc tool ? (for similarity see snpe-caffe-to-dlc tool which has an option to pass information about UDL).


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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 67
Posted: Mon, 2022-12-19 02:25


UDO is supported from SNPE-1.35 for all the frameworks, as mentioned in the SNPE document Tools UDL is supported in caffe SNPE-1.24 and not available for ONNX.

Please check the below mentioned link for the updates from SNPE release notes.


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