Forums - How can i get ouput tensor names after the container loaded?

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How can i get ouput tensor names after the container loaded?
Join Date: 21 Feb 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2022-08-08 02:18

zdl::SNPE::SNPEBuilder snpeBuilder(container.get());

snpe = snpeBuilder.setOutputTensors({}) .setRuntimeProcessorOrder(runtimeList) .setUseUserSuppliedBuffers(useUserSuppliedBuffers) .setPlatformConfig(platformConfig) .setInitCacheMode(useCaching) .build();

After define snpe object, I can get output tensor names like this:


But when the output has multi tensors, I can only get one tensor name.


How can I get multi output tensor names?

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Join Date: 17 May 22
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Posted: Tue, 2022-08-09 01:46


I think you can use the command snpe-dlc-info -i <dlc_file> it will show the list of output names.

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Join Date: 21 Feb 22
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Posted: Tue, 2022-08-09 02:04

HI sanjjey.a.sanjjey

Thanks for your reply.

I am  working on aarch64,  but [snpe-dlc-info] only supported on x86_64.

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Join Date: 27 Feb 18
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Posted: Thu, 2022-08-25 12:49


You could try to set in the builder creation option


and than you should get all output tensor names.

best regards

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Join Date: 21 Feb 22
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Posted: Sun, 2022-08-28 18:24

This will display all outputs.  How can I judge which are the final outputs?

For example,  The final outputs  of my network is [114, 116, 118].  

But after setDebugMode(true), I got the following output names:

 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 100
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 101
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 102
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 103
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 104
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 105
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 106
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 107
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 108
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 109
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 110
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 111
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 112
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 113
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 114
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 115
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 116
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 117
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 118
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 49
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 50
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 51
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 52
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 53
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 54
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 55
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 56
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 57
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 58
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 59
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 60
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 61
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 62
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 63
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 64
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 65
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 66
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 67
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 68
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 69
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 70
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 71
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 72
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 73
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 74
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 84
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 85
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 86
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 87
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 88
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 89
 [SetBuilderOptons] name = 99



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Join Date: 27 Feb 18
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Posted: Tue, 2022-08-30 12:47


You can use online tool to check the network structure

or you could use snpe-dlc-info -i network.dlc  | grep "114x116x118"

and the one that is in the output layer and not in any input that is the one.

Best regards

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Join Date: 21 Feb 22
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Posted: Mon, 2022-09-19 01:37

Thank you for your reply.

However, i  do not mean there's  no  tool  to get final output names. 

The key point is:   I want to catch a simple way to get final output names   in  C++.  Because my program is entended to run in arm64.

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Join Date: 27 Feb 18
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Posted: Mon, 2022-09-19 14:33


Sorry for misunderstanding

Since i use JAVA i am not 100% sure in C++ but analogy should work


This functin provide set of the output names.

In the C++ as i find in the API descriptioin you can use

zdl::DlSystem::Optional< zdl::DlSystem::StringListgetOutputLayerNames () const noexcept

so could you please try

location: this


Best regards,


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Join Date: 8 Mar 22
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Posted: Mon, 2022-10-17 03:27

Hello, I met the same error

my model has two outputs, but only get single using "getOutputTensorNames"

Any solutions ? Thanks so mush !

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Join Date: 21 Nov 22
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Posted: Mon, 2022-11-21 05:29

I am  working on aarch64,  but [snpe-dlc-info] only supported on x86_64.



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Join Date: 29 May 18
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Posted: Mon, 2022-11-28 22:22


The function getOutputTensorNames() returns  'zdl::DlSystem::StringList' object. Please use the 'size' member function and retrieve the full list of output tensors through 'at' member function. Please see the doucmentation here:


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Join Date: 9 Nov 23
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Posted: Thu, 2023-11-09 05:32

As per documentation, if one doesn't use `Snpe_SNPEBuilder_SetOutputTensors` or sets an empty list of tensors' names, the SNPE inference will return the last (one) tensor.

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