Forums - Mistmatch output network before and after conversion

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Mistmatch output network before and after conversion
Join Date: 30 May 22
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2022-06-28 13:22


I have a network of 3 layers built using Pytorch:

nn.Linear(576, 128)
nn.Linear(128, 4)

Input Dimension is [54, 576] and output Dim is [54, 4].

I export the model using torch.onnx.export() with flag export_params=True, then it is converted using snpe-onnx-to-dlc script.

python3 ./snpe-onnx-to-dlc ./reverse_last_branch.onnx --output_path ./reverse_last_branch.dlc --input_dim input "54,576" --out_name output


However for a same tensor of [54, 576] I am not able to get the same output before and after conversion to dlc format. 

Do you have an idea why ?

Note that I have been able to get the same output for other models and each of those 3 layers return the exact same output after conversion when exported individually.




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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 2022-07-09 19:34

Dear customer,

What's type of your model executed, float or fixed?

Regarding the onnx framework, the dimension format is NCHW but SNPE processed the encoding of NHWC. According to that info, you need to convert output tensor from NCHW(SNPE) to NHWC(onnx) for your end comparison.


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