Forums - QCA9377: support DLE with BT 5.0

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QCA9377: support DLE with BT 5.0
Join Date: 12 Nov 20
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2022-05-18 20:04

Dear, sir:

Our company gets a question from customer.

They would like to have BT 5.0 with DLE support on QCA9377-3.

Is it possible?

I read the old post on formum.

We have tested BT 5.0 firmware.

But it lacks DLE support.

The release is: QCA9377.LEA.3.0
ChipCode distribution tag: 3000036.13

After we downgrade to use BT 4.2 firmware, it support DLE.

So we are wondering if there is newer firmware that support DLE with BT 5.0?





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Join Date: 12 Nov 20
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2022-05-18 22:55

After we downgrade to use BT 4.1 firmware, it support DLE.

Typo. What we use is BT 4.2 firmware which supports DLE.

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Join Date: 15 Aug 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2022-05-19 22:21

Dear sir,

Also asked, I see a limitation in the package documentation for DLE. 

Is this maximum length of 123B a hardware or software issue?

from QCA9377.LE.2.3.3 / tag: 233032.3

BT DLE maximum data length supported is 123B whereas specification suggests 251B.



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