Forums - Fail to run UDO DSP tutorial for Quantized DLC example

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Fail to run UDO DSP tutorial for Quantized DLC example
Join Date: 5 Aug 21
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2022-05-10 02:24

Board: Thundercomm AI Kit (arm-android-clang6.0)

Hexagon SDK: v3.5.2

Android NDK: v19c


After setup environment variables, downloading libraries, model and data to board according to above example, verified OK with snpe-platform-validator:

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->RuntimeCheck
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Testing for the support of DSP runtime.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Success in executing the sum function
Unit Test on the runtime DSP: Passed.
SNPE is supported for runtime DSP on the device.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->IsRuntimeAvailable
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.
PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Success in executing the sum function
Runtime DSP Prerequisites: Present.

However, executing the quantized DLC model via snpe-net-run generated the following error. Any idea to fix that error ?

WARNING: Library could not be loaded: 'dlopen failed: library "" not found.' Runtime may be impacted.
WARNING: Library could not be loaded: 'dlopen failed: library "" not found.' Runtime may be impacted.
error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. error_code=910; error_message=DSP runtime system error. Failed to load network. UDO DSP implementation library failed to load.  Error code: -18. rp
c_error_code=0x400, line_no=0; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=841; thread_id=-401606288; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=267; thread_id=-370936668

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
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Posted: Sat, 2022-05-14 23:29

Dear customer,

What's commands you have used?

The error means that SNPE can get the corresponding UDO library.

Could you please share the full logcat and QXDM(mini-dm) to us for more deeply analysis?



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Join Date: 7 May 22
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Posted: Sun, 2022-05-15 23:20

I also have the same problem. Both quantized and non-quantized experiments have been conducted, and the errors are consistent with your problem. May I ask whether you have located the problem now?

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Join Date: 17 Nov 21
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Posted: Mon, 2022-06-13 05:49

met too

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Join Date: 7 Jul 22
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Posted: Thu, 2022-07-07 20:07

I also experience the same issue. The mistakes are consistent with geometry dash your issue and have been observed in both quantized and non-quantized trials. May I know if you have found the issue at this time?

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Join Date: 17 Nov 21
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Posted: Tue, 2022-08-02 05:36

I 've runs success by adding  signature lib positon to ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.   It seems the reason of cannot find signature lib. signature lib is generated by hexagon  sdk script.

    wish  it can help you.

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Join Date: 17 May 22
Posts: 67
Posted: Thu, 2022-08-25 00:33


Actually , you must run the snpe-throughput-net-run command on the path where file is present.

If you didn't run the command inside that path you will get this type of error.


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Join Date: 25 Aug 22
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Posted: Thu, 2022-08-25 11:04

This tutorial describes the steps needed to create a UDO package for DSP runtime and execute the Inception-V3 model using the package. The Softmax operation has been chosen in this tutorial to demonstrate the implementation of a UDO with SNPE. This tutorial also describes the offline cache generation steps for DSP V68.

The SNPE SDK provides the resources for this example under

  • $SNPE_ROOT/examples/NativeCpp/UdoExample/Softmax






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