Forums - V4l2 External Usb Camera on Qualcomm RB5

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V4l2 External Usb Camera on Qualcomm RB5
Join Date: 16 Mar 22
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2022-03-24 09:29

Good day,

I have External Usb camera (v4l2) attached on Qualcomm RB5. After deep investigation, i could not find how to create Gstreamer Server pipeline for v42 Usb Camera and simultanously, to open it with OpenCV VideoCapture on Client side for Preprocessing.  


Best Regards,

Fikrat Gasimov

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Join Date: 17 Sep 18
Posts: 59
Posted: Sat, 2022-04-16 23:22

Hello Customer,

Follow these steps to set up UVC USB camera:
Coonect USB camera to device with USB3.0 COM and use the following command to check the USB camera device ID.
# adb shell ls -l /dev/video*
without plugging in USB camera

Now plugging USB camera and run the command again
# adb shell ls -l /dev/video*

1. Check yavta application whether it exists on device

#adb shell ls -l /sbin/yavta
#adb shell ls -l /usr/bin/

2. Manually pust it to the folder /sbin/, if you do not find yavta.

#adb push yavta /sbin/
#adb shell chmod 777 /sbin/yavta

3. Use #yavta  -help to echo paramteres meaning

For example:
-f => support YUYV / MJPEG
-F => setting saved files path
-c => setting duration time
-t => setting preview frame ratio

4. Use the following command to preview and dump
#yavta -f YUYV -s 1280x960 -t 1/30 -c18000 /dev/video2 -F/data/yuv
check camera launches successfully with generated file /data/yuv
#ls -l /data/yuv pull yuv and get the file and use YUV player to display YUV file
#adb pull /data/yuv

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Join Date: 26 Feb 21
Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 2022-06-24 08:08

Hi fikrat.gasimov, 

You can run the following Gstreamer command to start TCP server on RB5 

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device="/dev/video1" ! image/jpeg,framerate=30/1,width=1280,height=720 ! tcpserversink port=8900 host=

 change device="your/camera/videoId", host="rb5 ip address"

you can capture frame  in openCV by 

frame = cv2.VideoCapture("tcp:// ") //tcp://rb5ip:port

Thanks & regards, 




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