Forums - "Enable Blocking" for command line OpenCL applications

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"Enable Blocking" for command line OpenCL applications
Join Date: 14 Dec 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2022-01-31 07:44

I am trying to profile a simple command line application on Android with SnapdragonProfiler, the guide says that if I check the "Enable Blocking" option, the application should pause and shown in the list of processes I can select to profile, but the application just runs and ends without pausing or being shown in the processes list in SnapdragonProfiler.

Is there something I need to add to the applications code to make it pause for profiling?

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Join Date: 9 Dec 13
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Posted: Fri, 2022-02-11 06:52

how long does the application runs before end?
can you make your application to run in a loop for longer time, then you have the enough time to find it in the list of processes.

Bob Du

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Join Date: 24 Jan 22
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Posted: Tue, 2022-08-16 07:28

I have the same issue, the "Enable Blocking" option has no effect, the application simply runs.

@aarefi: Could you somehow solve this ?

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