Forums - SD820 DSP Runtime Not Available

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SD820 DSP Runtime Not Available
Join Date: 25 Nov 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2019-12-18 09:03
    I am trying to run inceptionv3 dlc model in a SD820 powered board. The model is running fine in CPU and GPU. But, when tried to run it in DSP I get the following error
The selected runtime is not available on this platform. Continue anyway to observe the failure at network creation time.
error_code=500; error_message=Target runtime is not available. No viable runtimes available.; error_component=Host Runtime; line_no=236; thread_id=-251226972
The steps followed are from
I am using Android 8. Any help is appreciated.
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Join Date: 14 Mar 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2021-12-20 09:43

1. make sure ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH is set

2. test with qnn-platform-validator, make sure DSP is OK

3. Try with quantized model

4. add command line optioin: --platform_options unsignedPD:ON

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Join Date: 12 Apr 20
Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 2021-12-27 16:56

Dear customer,

1. make sure ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH is set

export ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH=\"${TARGET_PATH}/dsp/lib;/system/lib/rfsa/adsp;/system/vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp;/dsp

2. test with snpe-platform-validator, make sure DSP is OK

Command usage like this snpe-platform-validator --runtime DSP

Notice: Above confirmation command should be executed on devices merely, not any host or client instead.

3. Try with quantized model

4. add command line optioin: --platform_options unsignedPD:ON

To avoid signedPD effect, customer can integrate unsinged process to handle SNPE thread.




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