Forums - How to install Ubuntu on TurboX-AI SDA845 and run Neural Networks

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How to install Ubuntu on TurboX-AI SDA845 and run Neural Networks
Join Date: 6 Dec 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2021-12-10 05:54

Dear all;

I have purchased the TurboX AI Kit ( because it was listed in AWS as a recommended device (

Among the characteristics I was looking for, AWS lists the possibility to use C/C++, Java, Python as programming languages and Ubuntu as the OS.

However, my TurboX AI Kit came preinstalled with Android 8 and I cannot find the instructions to install Ubuntu and use the Neural Processing SDK.

In particular, I am looking for information and examples about how to:

- Install Ubuntu in the TurboX AI kit (SDA845) and run the next items using Ubuntu OS

- Install and run Python (and/or miniconda) for Ubuntu in the AI kit

- Run neural networks converted to tensorflow lite in the GPU (Python preferably or C++)

- Perform video encoding using the DSP (Python preferably or C++)

- Run existing Qualcomm models properly leveraging the hardware

Any help about any of these items is appreciated - so far, I am unable to find useful resources at all. Our stack is fully developed for Ubuntu and it would be a gigantic work to port to Android, not to mention I'm interested in developing a dedicated device that requires more flexibility than Android usually allows.

Thanks in advance

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Join Date: 8 Feb 17
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2021-12-13 23:50

In thundercomm device spec, the os is Android 8. 

Please check with thundercomm whether they have another working software for Ubuntu. 


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