Forums - Undefined symbol for inception_v3 udo example

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Undefined symbol for inception_v3 udo example
Join Date: 13 Jun 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 2021-12-10 07:32


When I try to run the inception_v3 example using GPU, I get the following error


WARNING: Library could not be loaded: <path to library>/ undefined symbol: _ZN7UdoUtil18UdoAdrenoOperation12snpeUdoSetIoEP21SnpeUdo_TensorParam_tS2_.' Runtime may be impacted.


Has anyone encountered this while testing inception_v3 example ?




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Join Date: 16 Dec 19
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Posted: Mon, 2021-12-13 22:22

Dear customer, 

Could you please let us know the link of the model and the verison of the SNPE you are using?

We will have a try on that.


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Join Date: 13 Jun 17
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Posted: Tue, 2021-12-14 06:32



Thanks for your reply. I managed to resolve the issue. I was using a custom Makefile to test the example (and my Makefile) and failed to compile one of the files in utils/GPU folder. This missing .o file was causing the error.

As regards the version, I was using SNPE 1.42.xxxx version and the device is  a custom device - I don't have the details myself.



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Join Date: 16 Dec 19
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Posted: Tue, 2021-12-14 17:58

Cool. Thanks for your update.

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