Forums - DDR bandwidth

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DDR bandwidth
Join Date: 27 Aug 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2021-08-30 00:02

Hi, expert:

I am using the Snapdragon Profiler v2021.4.0. Whether does the Profiler support the below requirement? 

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I am also looking for a way of measuring the real-time DDR bandwidth (transaction MB/s) while the SOC (such as 8155) is running multiple applications (such as running hypervisior for QNX and Android. in QNX the digital cluster applications are running, simultaneously in Android the user HMI applications are also running,).

In the ideal world, I just want access to the performance counters on the Snapdragon memory controller (to count reads and writes). Then I could read these counters while running the application I want to characterize.

Not sure if this forum is the right place, so please just let me know if there's a better forum/contact. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.



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Join Date: 2 Dec 21
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2021-12-05 19:15

Yes, I also want a tool to measure my app or program's memory bandwith.

with that,  I can balance whether it's necessary to spent time on memory optimization

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