Forums - SNPE does not support half_pixel_centers param for Resize Layer

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SNPE does not support half_pixel_centers param for Resize Layer
Join Date: 15 Nov 21
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 02:20

when .onnx is converted into .dlc, the error was as follows:

ValueError: Conversion Error: SNPE does not support half_pixel_centers param for Resize Layer.

It occurs when saving .dlc in snpe-onnx-to-dlc , the node is "resize_1",the error log was as follows:

2021-11-22 17:45:31,811 - 188 - INFO - INFO_DLC_SAVE_LOCATION: Saving model at /home/wudi/project/RobustVideoMatting-onnx/my_model.dlc
Encountered Error: Conversion Error: SNPE does not support half_pixel_centers param for Resize Layer.
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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
Posts: 45
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 02:45
could you help do experiments?
1# change to  opset = 11  when export onnx. for example
#2 set align cornet = Ture when use Upsample, for example
self.upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor =2,mode = 'bilinear',align_corners=True)
#3 change snpe converter  to align CPU results with onnx results
if not scales and len(src_op.input) > 2:
size_name = str(src_op.input[-1])
if graph.weights.has(size_name):
scales = graph.weights.fetch(size_name).astype(numpy.float32).tolist()
scales = graph.get_buffer(size_name).shape.tolist()
# Opset 11 has 4th parameter as output sizes,
# here we are calculating scales from output sizes
scales[-1] = scales[-1] / input_width
scales[-2] = scales[-2] / input_height
+ else:
+ sizes = [1,input_shape[1],int(input_height*scales[-2]),int(input_width*scales[-1])]
+ scales = [1.0,float(input_shape[1]),input_height*scales[-2],input_width*scales[-1]]
+ scales[-1] = (scales[-1]-1) / (input_width-1) if align_corners else (scales[-1] / input_width)
+ scales[-2] = (scales[-2]-1) / (input_height-1) if align_corners else (scales[-2] / input_width)
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Join Date: 15 Nov 21
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 18:26

My .onnx model has been converted into .dlc successfully following your suggestion.


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Join Date: 15 Nov 21
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 18:26

My .onnx model has been converted into .dlc successfully following your suggestion.


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Join Date: 15 Nov 21
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 18:27

My .onnx model has been converted into .dlc successfully following your suggestion.


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Join Date: 15 Nov 21
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 18:28

My .onnx model has been transformed into .dlc successfully following your suggestion.

Thank you.

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Join Date: 17 Oct 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-11-30 23:37

Hi, the same error occurs when saving .dlc in snpe-onnx-to-dlc, with the error code "SNPE does not support half_pixel_centers param for Resize Layer."

I tried change the code with your suggest but it did't work.

Could you help me to have a check with your answer in #3? Is that like as following?

if not scales and len(src_op.input) > 2:
          size_name = str(src_op.input[-1])
          if graph.weights.has(size_name):
                    scales = graph.weights.fetch(size_name).astype(numpy.float32).tolist()
                    scales = graph.get_buffer(size_name).shape.tolist()
          # Opset 11 has 4th parameter as output sizes,
          # here we are calculating scales from output sizes
          scales[-1] = scales[-1] / input_width
          scales[-2] = scales[-2] / input_height
          sizes = [1,input_shape[1],int(input_height*scales[-2]),int(input_width*scales[-1])]
          scales = [1.0,float(input_shape[1]),input_height*scales[-2],input_width*scales[-1]]
          scales[-1] = (scales[-1]-1) / (input_width-1) if align_corners else (scales[-1] / input_width)
          scales[-2] = (scales[-2]-1) / (input_height-1) if align_corners else (scales[-2] / input_width)


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Join Date: 7 Jun 21
Posts: 45
Posted: Wed, 2021-12-08 22:40

Hi alucard:


step3 just fix the bug that onnx runtime output mismatch with CPU/DSP.

"SNPE does not support half_pixel_centers param for Resize Layer." ----> For this error, you have to pick up step 1 &  step 2.

If you already apply 1 &2, another reason I can image is SNPE verion, you can use SNPE 1.55 if you already apply 1 &2  

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