Forums - HardSigmoid activation not supported by snpe

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HardSigmoid activation not supported by snpe
Join Date: 15 Nov 21
Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 2021-11-16 19:55

When I use snpe-onnx-to-dlc to convert MobilenetV3.onnx,

a error happening as "ERROR - Node HardSigmoid_7: 'No translation registered for op type onnx_hardsigmoid. Op is most likely not supported by the converter.'"

I use the following udo config, the error occurs "ERROR - Node HardSigmoid_7: ERROR_CANNOT_INGEST_STATIC_INPUT:  Attempted to ingest static input data but static input 823 has no associated data, please include this input as a param"

        "Operators": [
                "type": "HardSigmoid",
                    {"name":"Placeholder", "data_type": "FLOAT_32", "static": false,
                        "tensor_layout": "NCHW"}
                    {"name":"Output","data_type": "FLOAT_32", "tensor_layout": "NCHW"}
                "core_types": ["CPU"]
        "UDO_PACKAGE_NAME": "MyCustomUdoPackage",
        "UDO_PACKAGE_PATH": "/home/wudi/Software/snpe-",
        "SNPE_UDO_ROOT": "/home/wudi/Software/snpe-"
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Join Date: 12 Dec 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 00:16

Hi Wudi,

It seems you already find this place.

Let's track you issue at here.

Could you please share the MobilenetV3.onnx to me ?


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Join Date: 8 Mar 20
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 00:20

Dear customer,

Seems your UDO OP is the first layer, right? Then please set the "static" to "True" or not use it since your input is dynamic.

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Join Date: 15 Nov 21
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2021-11-22 02:10

OK, thanks

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