Forums - What does LE mean and what does LU mean in SDK Manager 2.x+?

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What does LE mean and what does LU mean in SDK Manager 2.x+?
Join Date: 30 Apr 21
Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 2021-06-21 19:26

Hi all,

Starting with the 2.0.0 release of the SDK Manager, I notice there are now "LE" and "LU" images. 

Specifically, the latest image versions as of today are QRB5165.LE.1.0-210617 (for LE) and QRB5165.UBUN.1.0-210512 (for LU).

  1. What does LE stand for?
  2. What does LU stand for?
  3. When should I use the LE image, and when should I use the LU image?



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mistry Moderator
Join Date: 18 Apr 18
Posts: 56
Posted: Wed, 2021-06-23 16:56

Hi James,

As far as I know, the LE image is based on Open Embedded, and LU image is based on Ubuntu.
You can build on target in the LU build, and you will need the toolchain similar to RB3 development kit for the LE image.
This toolchain is also available in the SDK Manager now. 

I will try to see if there is a feature list that compares the two images.

Best Regards,


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