Forums - qmmf-sdk

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Join Date: 19 Feb 21
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2021-02-19 10:05

Hello everyone!

I was searching for quite some time and still haven't found a solution to this question: How can you create your own Camera applications using the qmmf API? I can see minimal examples in the docs generated with doxygen from the yocto repository checked out, and I have used the instruction `bitbake <image> -c populate_sdk` to create an SDK and it worked. But when I try to compile camera applications by hand outside of the yocto repository, e.g. the code files in qmmf-sdk/recorder/test/gtest/, many headers are still missing. Is there any Qualcomm pdf describing the process?

Best regards,


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Join Date: 17 Sep 20
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2021-06-15 01:04

Hi Christina, when you trying to build an application outside of the yocto, make sure you have included all the dependency libraries and header files in the build directory, if required you may need to write a separate make file for that application.

for creating a cross-compile environment for developing a c/c++ application for qcs610 refer to the below  document  

[TC_C610LE_23110]_TurboX C610 OK_Application SDK User Manual_V1.0.pdf 

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