Forums - GPU frequency != clocks per second

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GPU frequency != clocks per second
Join Date: 25 May 14
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2021-04-16 04:18

Snapdragon profiler version v2020.3.0.9242020, win7 64, and cpu is snapdragon 865, gpu is Adreno 650.

GPU Frequency is 490M, clocks / second is 100M -  151M

What is the meaning of clocks per second ?

And when i use snapshot, i close the frequency auto adjust, and frequency change from 305M to 490M, but the gpu use more clocks to render a pass.

use that setting to close frequency auto adjust.

305M  clocks 924460

490M clocks 956468

this is not a random measuring error, i measure many times, every time the clocks is more when gpu frenquency is 490M.


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Join Date: 25 May 14
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2021-04-16 04:41

Why the pictures  i pasted in the post can't display?

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eshaw Moderator
Join Date: 12 May 16
Location: San Diego
Posts: 142
Posted: Fri, 2021-04-16 17:19

'GPU Frequency' is the frequency that has been set by the dynamic frequency system. 'Clocks/second` is the average number of clocks that were actually executed per second by the GPU. The two values can differ for numerous reasons, including latency between the request and the adjustment by the GPU, the lower update rate of the `GPU Frequency` metric, and numerous additional power saving technologies that allow the GPU to stop running when there is no work to do, independently of the specified frequency level.


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