Forums - Hello World example in QCA4020

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Hello World example in QCA4020
Join Date: 13 Mar 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2021-03-13 02:24


I am trying the Hello World example code in the following link, using QCA4020 developement kit.


In the 3rd step of Import sample Hello World application, .cproject and .settings files are not created while running the given bat file  eclipseSupport.bat.

I am running this .bat file in Windows.

This is the error I am gettig in the command prompt while running the .bat file.

xcopy is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Eclipse Environment Set

How can I get rid of this error, Please provide the solution for this.

Thank You.

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Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 2021-03-23 07:29


I think you need to set the path variable:

set Path=%path%;C:\Windows\system32

xcopy should work after this

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