Forums - CSR1010 OTA

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Join Date: 19 Oct 16
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2017-01-22 08:51


We have running project with CSR1010 that include OTA6. at the current we can only reflash the 1010 by CSR window app, the android app do not work.

Does moving to OTA 7 will solve this issue or OTA7 got the same problem?

Where can we found the android & IOS OTA API?




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Join Date: 13 Jan 21
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2021-02-25 08:02

I have the same problem now in 2021. I have donwloaded the CSR OTA update tool application v1.2 for Android from Qualcom webpage.

trying to update any example desing from CSR using the OTA tool but this app stops the upgrade process at the Xtrim reporting an issu reading this value. If I run the OTA tool from my laptop using the CSR8510 dongle, then the app is able to load the upgrade
Any idea why this problem happens in the OTA Android v1.2? Is there any update version?

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