Forums - RB5 not booting up after flashing

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RB5 not booting up after flashing
Join Date: 2 Apr 19
Location: Berlin
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2021-02-05 05:19


I was able to flash the device but I am unable to boot it succesfully, so it's not detected by adb devices. Here's the log I got after flashing:

Flashing image ... done
Waiting for device to reboot ...
Waiting for boot up, time elapsed: 10s
Waiting for boot up, time elapsed: 20s
Waiting for boot up, time elapsed: 30s
Waiting for boot up, time elapsed: 40s
Waiting for boot up, time elapsed: 50s
Waiting for boot up, time elapsed: 60s
Waiting for boot up, time elapsed: 70s
Waiting for boot up, time elapsed: 80s
Waiting for boot up, time elapsed: 90s

There is something wrong happened in Boot up process
Please restart your device manually or check out Troubleshoot in README

The green led turned on, I waited and the device didn't pop up on adb devices. So I tried many times to turn the platform on/off but nothing happens...

Thank you in advance

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Join Date: 21 Oct 20
Posts: 137
Posted: Fri, 2021-02-05 15:07


Can you connnect usb (micro-a)  debugging port to your PC, and  start putty terminal

c:> putty -serial COM30 -sercfg "115200,8,n,1,N"

Power on device and log all output in putty windows






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Join Date: 2 Apr 19
Location: Berlin
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2021-02-08 02:42

Thank you for your answer. It turns out it was a problem with the USB port; after changing the USB port it works. This thread can be closed.

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Join Date: 21 Oct 20
Posts: 137
Posted: Mon, 2021-02-08 16:00

good to know, thanks

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