Forums - Interrupt Not working on particular pin

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Interrupt Not working on particular pin
Join Date: 3 Aug 20
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2020-08-11 07:28
I am working with QCA4020 
I have set GPIO4 as input interrupt. It is working fine in polling method .
But when i tried same on thread, i am facing problem in detecting input state of GPIO4 also it is not waiting for interrupt.
though the voltage on input pin shows 3.3v , Interrupt is not working with pullup . If supply of 3.3V is directly given to GPIO4 pin, interrupt happens to work fine in that case.
On going through @target\build\tools\devcfg\threadx\DevCfg_master_fom_out_cdb.xml, i  find out only pull_up are blocked on GPIO4 pin. but it can be programmed into interrupt. also it is working as interrupt in while(1). condition. i am facing problem in detecting it as interrupt in thread. the thread do not wait for qurt_signal to SET when GPIO4 is used as interrupt. where as using other pin as interrupt , the same thread waits for that signal to get SET. signals are set in call back of interrupt. is it possible to detect GPIO4 as interrupt in thread.? 
Any help would be helpful at my side.
Thank you.
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Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 2020-12-15 01:32


Please refer this code: and function pir_thread.

Customize GPIO pins for your requirement


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