Forums - GPU Usage % metric

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GPU Usage % metric
Join Date: 15 Sep 20
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2020-09-16 14:08

Is there a way to measure GPU usage as a percentage, similar to CPU Utilization %?  I've seen similar posts from several years back that were answered with something to the tune of 'look under Data Sources -> System -> GPU General -> GPU Utilization %' but I don't see this metric in SDP v2020.1.0.4172020

Under GPU General, I've just got:


GPU % Bus Busy

GPU Frequency

GPU Temperature

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Join Date: 12 May 16
Posts: 29
Posted: Wed, 2020-09-16 16:12

Hey Jeffrey,

Depending on what device you have, there may or may not be "GPU % Utilization" metric available listed in the same location you mention.  While we do try to keep the available metrics consistent between different devices, some differences do exist.

I know that may not help you see the data you are specifically wanting, but hopefully the explanation helps explain why it may not be there.



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Join Date: 15 Sep 20
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2020-09-17 07:55

ah interesting.  Do you have any suggestions for collecting this information with another tool or from an adb shell?  I'm working with newer Adreno GPUs, in the 6xx range.

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