Forums - Segfault in mvVISLAM_AddImage

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Segfault in mvVISLAM_AddImage
Join Date: 3 Apr 18
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2019-12-04 05:27

Hi everyone,

I'm using the mv library on the Snapdragon 845. I wrote a small application that calls the mvVISLAM_Initialize(...) function, followed by a call to mvVISLAM_AddAccel()  mvVISLAM_AddGyro() and mvVISLAM_AddImage().

About 50% of the calls to mvVISLAM_AddImage() result in a segmentation fault.

I've noticed a pattern though. The calls to mvVISLAM_Initialize(...)  yield some debug output on the console like

MachineVision is licensed as community user

LNX_8074 supported? 1
LNX_8096 supported? 1
LNX_IA64 supported? 1
WINDOWS supported? 1
AR ERROR: arFileOpen(): Failed to open file: /usr/bin/vislam/Configuration.SF.xml
FASTCV: fcvAvailableHardware Linux
mempool cur block size 307200, new block size -496943104
And whenever this "new block size" is negative, the application runs fine. If it's positive, it segfaults upon call to addImage().
My application's output on a successful attempt:
/usr/bin # ./vio
[VIOManager] Starting...
[tracker] _vio pointer should be NULL: 0
[tracker] Calling initialize function
MachineVision is licensed as community user
LNX_8074 supported? 1
LNX_8096 supported? 1
LNX_IA64 supported? 1
WINDOWS supported? 1
AR ERROR: arFileOpen(): Failed to open file: /usr/bin/vislam/Configuration.SF.xml
FASTCV: fcvAvailableHardware Linux
mempool cur block size 307200, new block size -496943104
[tracker] Now _vio pointer is: 0xb0ce20f8
[VIOManager] VISLAM tracker is not null, so you must've done something right!
[VIOManager] Setting callbacks for IMU and Camera...
[IMUDriver] Setting accel callback
[IMUDriver] Setting gyro callback
[CameraDriver] Setting image callback
[VIOManager] All callbacks set!
[VIOManager] Starting IMU...
[IMUDriver] Sending fake accel data to VIO
[tracker] Calling mvVISLAM_AddAccel
[IMUDriver] Sending fake gyro data to VIO
[tracker] Calling mvVISLAM_AddGyro
[VIOManager] IMU started
[VIOManager] Starting camera...
[CameraDriver] Sending fake image to VIO
[tracker] Calling mvVISLAM_AddImage
[VIOManager] Camera started
And on a segfault:
/usr/bin # ./vio
[VIOManager] Starting...
[tracker] _vio pointer should be NULL: 0
[tracker] Calling initialize function
MachineVision is licensed as community user
LNX_8074 supported? 1
LNX_8096 supported? 1
LNX_IA64 supported? 1
WINDOWS supported? 1
AR ERROR: arFileOpen(): Failed to open file: /usr/bin/vislam/Configuration.SF.xml
FASTCV: fcvAvailableHardware Linux
mempool cur block size 307200, new block size 1885421568
[tracker] Now _vio pointer is: 0xaf413108
[VIOManager] VISLAM tracker is not null, so you must've done something right!
[VIOManager] Setting callbacks for IMU and Camera...
[IMUDriver] Setting accel callback
[IMUDriver] Setting gyro callback
[CameraDriver] Setting image callback
[VIOManager] All callbacks set!
[VIOManager] Starting IMU...
[IMUDriver] Sending fake accel data to VIO
[tracker] Calling mvVISLAM_AddAccel
[IMUDriver] Sending fake gyro data to VIO
[tracker] Calling mvVISLAM_AddGyro
[VIOManager] IMU started
[VIOManager] Starting camera...
[CameraDriver] Sending fake image to VIO
[tracker] Calling mvVISLAM_AddImage
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
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Join Date: 21 Aug 13
Posts: 65
Posted: Wed, 2019-12-04 14:20

The negative sign is probably just a symptom.  If one looks in the mvMemoryPool.h code that your application must be using, the requested memory size comes as a size_t and the printf just uses a %d character instead of %zu to printf it.  So, the requested memory is large enough to hit the negative space.  It seems then that your application is feeding it a bad memory size request.  So, maybe your actual image size is different than the code has everywhere or maybe pool.releaseBlock() is not getting called in the right spot?

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