Forums - QCA4020 RTOS questions

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QCA4020 RTOS questions
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Join Date: 16 Aug 19
Location: Rhode Island
Posts: 15
Posted: Fri, 2019-11-08 06:16

I have two RTOS related questions:

1. The SDK includes binaries for ThreadX and FreeRTOS, but there is no indication that the ThreadX is included, from a cost perspective. Does this mean that the OEM will need to go to ThreadX (Microcsoft) directly to purchase the license?

2. In the release notes for the 3.0SDK (80-ya121-149_a_qca402x_sdk_release_notes.pdf), section 7.5 (Power Measurements), there seems to be conflicting statements.

7.5 Power measurements
  The values listed in this section are measured on a system running ThreadX.

     Measurements performed used the FreeRTOS operating system.

Which RTOS is actually used to take the date and is there any specified differences in power numbers between the two implementations (RTOS)?

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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 2019-11-11 16:35
> QCA402x uses an RTOS abstraction layer called "QuRT" which can be mapped on to various RTOS. 
The QuRT layer has been thoroughly tested with two popular RTOS: ThreadX and FreeRTOS . 
The ThreadX RTOS is delivered in binary form as part of the SDK and is available for customers to use in QCA402X based products. 
Since ThreadX is royalty free, you dont need to purchase any license.
> Apologies for the confusion, the power values are measured based on ThreadX opering system. There is no much difference regarding the power consumption values between the two RTOS implementations.
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