Forums - Resize operator in version 1.2

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Resize operator in version 1.2
Join Date: 4 Sep 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2019-09-04 01:56

Hi all,

In version 1.29, the resize operator supports nearest neighbor method which is used in MobileNetV1-FPN-SSD

The structure of nearest neighbor implementation is as follow (lib/python/snpe/converters/tensorflow/layers/ 

NonConsumableConverterSequenceNode('input', ['?']),
ConverterSequenceNode('Shape', ['Shape']),
ConverterSequenceNode('Reshape/shape', ['Pack']),
ConverterSequenceNode('strided_slice', ['StridedSlice']),
ConverterSequenceNode('Reshape', ['Reshape']),
ConverterSequenceNode('Reshape_1/shape', ['Pack']),
ConverterSequenceNode('scale_mul', ['Mul']),
ConverterSequenceNode('root', ['Reshape'])


But it seems like it's kind of different from the original implementation in tensorflow (

Is there anyone know where this implementation come from?


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Join Date: 28 Jan 13
Location: Seoul
Posts: 55
Posted: Wed, 2019-09-04 02:55

Hi alex_li,

According to SNPE reference guide document, resize operator is from tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor. You can refer to



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Join Date: 4 Sep 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2019-09-04 20:51

Thanks for your reply at first.

But I thought the operator  tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor have already implemented in previous version.

According to the object detection api (or Mobilenet V1 FPN SSD), there are two way to do upsampling. (

So I thought the version 1.29 add another implementation about resize operator?



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