Forums - Middleware - Modem Interface

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Middleware - Modem Interface
Join Date: 21 May 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2019-06-28 03:02


We are using an LTE module from Quectel which uses a Qualcomm modem. The module is used on a host system running Linux and we would like to use eMBMS features. In order to use these eMBMS features, we need a eMBMS middleware. Since this might not be available for Linux(?)we were considering implementing such a middleware by ourselves. This however requires knowledge of the API between the modem and a middleware, i.e., the eMBMS related modem commands. Can someone help me on how to obtain these commands or also a middleware?

Best regards,


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Join Date: 20 May 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2019-07-03 04:10
Currently we support commercial quality MW solution on Android phones.
For MDMs(non-Android) we do have trial quality eMBMS solution. Based on the requirements, we proceed on this if we get a strong use case and operator/OEM keeness to deploy MDM solution.
Our MW service is tightly coupled to Android software. We are not exposing the eMBMS Modem APIs as of now.
Please convey your usecase and implementation details to Quectel and ask them to discuss with Qualcomm product development team.
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