Forums - LLVM compiler source for SDM 845 HDK compatible to A75/A55 cortex core

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LLVM compiler source for SDM 845 HDK compatible to A75/A55 cortex core
Join Date: 18 Sep 18
Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 2018-11-14 06:54


How to get LLVM compiler source for SDM 845 HDK compatible to A75/A55 cortex core? Do we need to get the appropriate android ndk packages which has appropriate LLVM compiler (clang) compatible to SDM 845 arm A75/A55 architecure? Kindly clarify this.

We are currently working to compile lmbench binaries and need to port these binaries to SDM 845 android source and recompile the while build including lmbench binaries and generate new boot images. Again bring up the board with new images and run lmbench tools to evaluate DDR memory bandwidth & latency metrics.

Could you please help us in this regard? If any documents regarding this, kindly share the same.




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Join Date: 18 Apr 19
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Posted: Mon, 2019-05-13 04:07


          Did you manage to get any documentation on how to build it? I am also trying to build Android image and stuck on a compiler errror and found this thread searching for a solution.

Many Thanks,


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Join Date: 12 May 16
Posts: 27
Posted: Mon, 2019-05-13 14:37

Hi Tony,

We don't distribute the source code for the Snapdragon LLVM compiler toolchain.  However, we do make the binaries of the Snapdragon LLVM compiler toolchain (hosted on Linux or Windows) available for download from the "Software:Compilers:Snapdragon LLVM Compiler for Android" link here:

There is README documentation on how to install the toolchain, and the zip/tar files for the host toolchain.

If you are still getting compile errors when building, please provide the failing command line.

Thanks, Paul

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