Forums - serial NOR memory

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serial NOR memory
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Join Date: 5 Nov 18
Location: Centennial, CO
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2018-11-05 14:56
We are having an issue with serial NOR compatibility on the QCA4012. It only seems to work with certain serial NOR devices. 
The AR7420 Chipset Programmer’s Guide contains a list of all the flash devices supported by the AR7420 (and it was just updated this summer). I can’t find a similar document for the QCA4012. Nor can I find that information in any other document. Where/how can get that information?
Is there a way to work around this issue? Why is that the only memory part that we can use. If it’s not, how we can support another part?
Thank you.
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jbhanu Moderator
Join Date: 6 Feb 17
Posts: 80
Posted: Thu, 2018-12-27 18:19

Hi , 

Can you please let me know the flash memory deatils with which you are facing compatibility issue? is this  2M or  4M?



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