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debug server
Join Date: 1 May 16
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2016-05-09 10:17



I am following the instructions for setting up the Snapdragon Debugger for Eclipse. The instructions mention "plase make sure the debugserver hasb been launched."  I do not see debugserver on my development kit.


Can someone point me in the right direction where debugserver be downloaded/obtained from.






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Join Date: 8 May 15
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Posted: Thu, 2016-06-09 14:19


I believe that the "debugserver" being launched is meant to reference that lldb-server has been launched.  In general when debuggging you'd want to connect to a port that is attached to either gdb or lldb.  When you do so that calls lldb attach and gdb attach and allows the two way flow.

To make this easier, one uses either lldbserver or gdbserver.  Qualcomm released the sdk to include lldb, which is great because that's exactly what the most up to date Android NDK requires and where the NDK is moving towards as gdb has been deprecated.  So the flow should be to ensure that LLDBserver is on your android phone, then the following commands should be run (might be a tool for this in the SDK and hopefully the documentation says how to do it, but here's how to do it by hand):

Android's shell:
$> lldbserver :9999 --attach 5192

lldbserver should now run in your foreground tty and attach itself to PID 5192 and listen for connections on port 9999.  So you'd want to connect to it like this (again by hand; there's probably a better way to do this):

Host machine shell:

lldb -q

lldb will now open in command line mode where you enter in the following commands:

(lldb) target remote <androidIP>:9999

You will now have the connection established and a debug session running, normal lldb command line syntax takes over from here for your debug session.

That said, the graphical way of doing things should hopefully be documented by the debugger for Eclipse.  My goal here is to help ensure you understand what the underlinning tools are doing.  I personally am using Android Studio and this package after getting everything linked together via custom gradle.  Thus am unfortunately rather unfamiliar with using the eclipse plugin.  If you need further guidance, I'd be happy to install a test project in Eclipse and see if I can't work it out with you.

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Join Date: 30 Oct 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2018-10-30 20:55

The Eclipse is not working in my system and it is showing the server error. What should I do to resolve this issue? I also try on antivirus support number for the help purpose but did not get any response.

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