Forums - Android/IOS App for CSR OTAU

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Android/IOS App for CSR OTAU
Join Date: 15 Jun 16
Location: Mumbai
Posts: 24
Posted: Tue, 2017-04-11 23:19


I am trying to add OTAU to my CSR1010 based project. I am using SDK2.6.

I have added firmare support to my existing code using : file:///C:/CSR_uEnergy_SDK- 


I tried OTAU using sample android applicaion :

But I get following errors: 

<--> Gatt server connected and service discovery is completed.
<--> Remote device is pairing, please wait…
<--> Remote device is paired, start service discovery…
<--> Read CS Block data…
<--> Loading cskey XML file: provided by default
<--> Read CS Block data…
<--> Read CS Block data…
<--> Read CS Block data…
<--> Read CS Block data…
<--> OTAU is enabled
<--> Enter OTAU boot loader mode
<--> Disconnect
<--> Gatt server connected and service discovery is completed.
<--> Read Bluetooth address error!
<--> Read cyrstal trim value error!
After going through forum it looks like this android app is not compatible with SDK 2.6.
Does anyone have a link to the source code of android application which is compatible with SDK2.6 and Bootloader version 7.
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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Posted: Mon, 2017-04-24 06:39

SDK 2.6 has a demo of OTA source code. 

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Join Date: 19 May 17
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Posted: Wed, 2017-06-21 04:59

Hi Sanika,

I have the same problem. Did you find a solution (and/or the reason for the error)?

I've tried the hr_sensor sample from the SDK 2.6 which also supports OTA and that works fine. For my own application I get the same error as you.



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abarak Moderator
Join Date: 7 Jun 16
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Posted: Thu, 2017-08-10 05:32
This is a known issue that Google didn't fix for more than 2 years:
There is a suggested workaround - To use Android hidden API to refresh GATT cache:
Please refer to below modification for our OTAU 1.2 application:
private final static int CONNECTION_DELAY_TIME_MS      = 2000;
    public void refreshCache() {
        if(mGattClient != null){
        try {
Method m = mGattClient.getClass().getMethod("refresh", (Class[]) null);
m.invoke(mGattClient, (Object[]) null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
        public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
            if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS && newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED && mGattClient != null) {
                // Get all the available services. This allows us to query them later. The result of this being
                // successful will be a call to onServicesDiscovered().
                // Don't tell the handler that we are connected until the services have been discovered.
                final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
                if (mDelayTime > 0) {
However, please note:
1. There is risk in using a hidden API. It is not officially supported by Google and may be removed in the future
2. This is not a our formal solution. The correct solution needs to come from Google, seeing as this is their bug. We only suggest the above as a temporary workaround.
3. The above is not under any kind of guarantee
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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Posted: Thu, 2017-08-10 07:48

Hi abarak,

From your reply, it seems that Android/Google is not supporting any OTA for any Bluetooth low energy (BLE) chip set worldwide. 

Since this is not the case, and since this "Android bug" is not effecting any other companies' Android app and other chip set, I offer that CSR will put a team to fix it from your side without using hidden API. 
And apps on CSR web site had to have your offered source code, and not present as all OK, when CSR knows for 2 years it will not work. 



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Join Date: 15 Jun 16
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Posted: Sat, 2017-08-19 05:56

Hi Abarak,

Issue in my case was due to an error in app_gatt_db.db.

I had accidently interchanged include order. Correct order is : 

#include "gatt_service_db.db" (This has to be the first include)

#include "gap_service_db.db"




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Join Date: 25 Sep 18
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Posted: Tue, 2018-09-25 23:54

Thanks for the information I am looking for the same, I have followed this link:   to get the information about ios and android application its very helpful for me when I going for add OTAU to my CSR1010 based projects. Here I have also shared one thing I have to use an iPhone and I have a problem with apple id getting a solution through apple id support number and I have still the problem can anyone assist me.

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Join Date: 1 Nov 18
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Posted: Thu, 2018-11-01 23:38

The link for firmware support is really very useful for all. I tried  for solving the OTA  Android applications. but i am unable to run this android application on my android phone. when i try to run it on iPhone it shows iTunes error 5105 issue.

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Join Date: 13 Feb 19
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Posted: Mon, 2019-02-18 23:15

I need android application to test OTAU demo. kindly help. is not working. urgent help needed.

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Join Date: 13 Jun 16
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Posted: Tue, 2019-02-26 09:15

For access to the application please contact Qualcomm sales at,, or Qualcomm distributors at,

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Join Date: 20 May 19
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Posted: Mon, 2019-05-20 19:36

We have the same exact problem.

We can only succeed OTAU with ios 8.

When shall CSR finally release a new version? We are at iOS 10 and it's time for a new verision. 

Regards, 9Apps

Cartoon HD Vidmate APK

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Join Date: 24 Oct 16
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Posted: Wed, 2019-05-29 07:48

Hello Sanika,


Have you figured out any solution for this? We are also working with CSR1010 chip. We would like to get the OTA working in our device. It did work fewtimes with the OTA app CSR provided. However, mostly I get "read chrystal trim value error". Let me know if you have a solution for this.




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Join Date: 30 Oct 20
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Posted: Fri, 2020-10-30 16:41
My device update android version 10.csr 1.2.1 is not suported
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Join Date: 28 May 24
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Posted: Tue, 2024-05-28 21:11

To do this, I think it requires a bit of technique. You can update to the latest version at

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Join Date: 1 Jun 24
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Posted: Sat, 2024-06-01 09:04

Thanks for providing this technical problem. I get some information from here. I am also working at my plateform where all latest series are available. 

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Join Date: 10 Jul 24
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Posted: Wed, 2024-07-10 20:24

Top entertainment with many strategy games and blockbuster games for you to freely choose from

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